Ready to Focus on Your Nutrition?

Everyone has a different reason for why their health has fallen by the wayside. We are all born with the ability to listen to our body but somewhere along the way we lost it. Whether it was from body image concerns, depression/anxiety, dieting, poor nutrition advice, stress, or health problems. I have personally dealt with stress, anxiety, and body image concerns; I know what it’s like to lose focus on your health and feel confused about how to get it back. Through my own personal journey of nutrition education and self-discovery, I’ve been able to get my health back on track and now I’m dedicated to helping you do the same.

My name is Ashley and I’m a Registered Dietitian and Culinary Nutritionist who uses an integrated and personalized approach to nutrition, health, and healing by digging deep to find and address the true root cause of your issues. There is no one-size-fits-all diet as everyone has unique nutrition needs.

I firmly believe in the power of food as medicine. What we eat directly impacts how we feel, how much energy we have, and even has the ability to prevent, treat, and reverse many chronic conditions. Now that’s some power.

If you’re ready to take back your health using the power of food then you’ve come to the right place. I will help you transition into eating a whole foods plant based eating style using goal setting and flexible meal planning and utilize principles of intuitive eating to help you be more in-tune with your internal appetite cues and achieve health from the inside out.

In order to be your healthiest self, cooking has to be at the forefront of your nutrition plan and you can expect to receive personalized recipes and meal plans when working with me. To get a feel for the types of meals you may transition into eating, check out my .

Specialties include:

Plant-Based Eating (vegan, vegetarian, whole foods plant-based)

Intuitive Eating (to stop the yo-yo dieting and confusion you have about healthy eating)

Cardiometabolic Disease (High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Pre-Diabetes/Type 2 Diabetes)

Renal Nutrition (non-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease and post-transplant)

Digestive Issues  (food sensitivities, Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


Want to know what it’s like to work with me?

 Read more about my coaching style and hear from people who have worked with me.

About Ashley

No Ramen, No Life.


Ashley Galloway Thomas, MS, RD/LDN

I don’t believe in dieting, creating strict food rules, or counting calories. I’ve done my time living within the diet culture and it’s a frustrating place to be: I felt like I was doing all the right things but I still couldn’t lose weight, still had horrible mood swings, and still felt bloated and fatigued.


All they do is confuse you and prevent you from listening to your own body. You know your body better than anyone else so why would you let someone else tell you how to eat? Contrary to what you might think, I will not tell you what to eat; I will guide you in finding an eating style that you actually enjoy, that nourishes your body and tastes amazing. It’s what I like to call finding your Happy Plate.

Rather than pouring all of your energy and resources into the latest popular diet or superfood sensation, work with me to channel that energy into finding your Happy Plate (HP). Your HP is not too different from your happy place, which is a place you go to be fully present with yourself and truly experience the experience. Maybe it’s the beach, the neighborhood park, or the mountains. In this place, you are comfortable, confident and happy. Your HP builds on this concept.

It is a plate that is:

nutritionally balanced, because you are mindful of what you put on it.

satisfying, because you savor every bite and hear your body tell you when you’ve had enough.

accessible, because it fits your budget and lifestyle.

Finding your HP won’t happen overnight but it will be a worthwhile endeavor that has the power to transform the way you eat, feel and live. Now that I’ve found my happy plate I no longer obsess about whether a food is “good” or “bad” for me and I’ve learned that my happy plate is one full of plant foods with the occasional meat or dairy thrown in there. I don’t ever tell myself I can’t have bacon or doughnuts and I now understand how crucial balance is in eating for health and happiness.

The goal of this website is to provide you with the information, tools, and resources you need to find your HP and never diet again. I promise no fillers, no preservatives, no BS. Just sound nutrition advice and damn good food.

I am so excited for you to start your journey. I recommend starting here where you will learn the basics of building a balanced plate.

If you’d like to work one-on-one with me, shoot me a message in the contact form below!


RD: Registered Dietitian (2011)

LD: Licensed Dietitian, South Carolina (2011)

MS: Masters Degree in Nutrition Education & Health Promotion  – Florida State University (2011)

BS: Bachelors Degree in Dietetics, Family & Child Sciences minor – Florida State University (2009)


Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (2009-present)

South Carolina Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, Charleston Trident Dietetic Association (SCAND, 2015-present)

  • Public Policy Partners Coordinator 2015-2017

  • Social Media Chair-Elect 2017

  • CEU presenter: RD’s in the Media (CTDA 2017)

  • CEU presenter: RD’s in Private Practice (CTDA 2018)

Dietetic Practice Groups

  • Culinary Nutrition Professionals

  • Nutrition Entrepreneurs

  • Renal Dietitians


Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year 2017 – South Carolina Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics

Teaching Assistantship, Florida State University 2010-2011


On occasion, I receive free foods, meals, and products and blog about them. All opinions expressed are my own, and the items received will never influence the content of my post. I will always disclose when posts were sponsored and who sponsored them.


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