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Apple Pumpkin Smoothie

By On September 21, 2014

It truly feels like fall today in Charleston – at least this morning it did. I woke up to a 64 degree temperature and it couldn’t have been more pleasant. I just… Read More


Lemon Ginger Tea

By On December 15, 2013

Lemon and Ginger are such a great combination – robust in flavor and potent in nutrients. Lemon is packed with vitamin C and disease fighting antioxidants. Ginger has been used for centuries… Read More


Mayan Hot Chocolate

By On November 21, 2013

Right off the bat I knew what I was going to make for this months Recipe Redux. Theme: Adding merriment to mixes – homemade mixes for the holidays. Recipe: Mayan Hot Chocolate!… Read More


Spiced Cider and a Walk Down Memory Lane

By On November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays. It’s wonderful to come home and visit with family and old friends. My mom seems to always dig up something from my childhood,… Read More


Carrot. Apple. Ginger. Lemon.

By On October 28, 2012

Simple ingredients. Fresh food. Clean flavor. Juicing is such a nice treat and a great nutritious addition to anyone’s day. Lately, I have been surrounded by juicers. First with Lindsay’s juicer, with… Read More


My Juicy Sunday

By On September 11, 2012

I spent the weekend with my brother and sister in-law (Charles and Lindsay), and finally got the chance to juice my own fruit and veg! I was super excited. Buying these fresh juices… Read More


Don’t Be Chai

By On September 3, 2012

Chai tea is a nice alternative to coffee. Its full bodied flavor and warming spices go perfectly with a hearty splash of milk. Chai tea originates in South Asia, but is also… Read More