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How To Make an Energy-Sustaining Smoothie Bowl in Less Than 5 Minutes + 4 Smoothie Bowl Recipes

By On July 15, 2017

UPDATE: This article now in video form! —> Click Here  🙂 Smoothie Bowls have been all the rage this year. You’ve seen them on your Facebook or Instagram feed; a perfectly vibrant… Read More


How to Make Breakfast in Less Than Five Minutes + 3 Simple Recipes 

By On May 10, 2017

So…you’ve been wanting to eat a decent breakfast more often but you don’t have enough time in the morning to prepare said meal. Also, you’re not quite sure what a decent breakfast… Read More


Spiced Quinoa Parfait + Tips for Choosing a Healthier Yogurt

By On February 28, 2017

Ya’ll. Have you tried using quinoa in place of granola in your yogurt parfaits? It’s so good! The chewy quinoa is a nice texture against the creamy yogurt. It’s also a great… Read More


Apple Pumpkin Pancakes

By On November 12, 2016

Growing up, it was common for my dad to throw some diced apples into the pancake batter on Saturday mornings. I didn’t know it then, but it was such a pro move.… Read More


Peanut Butter Pumpkin Toast

By On October 27, 2016

This peanut butter pumpkin mixture is simple, addicting and so versatile. It only takes 4 ingredients and comes together in minutes. It’s rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats, fiber, and plant based protein, and… Read More


Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal with Sweet & Spicy Mixed Nuts

By On October 5, 2016

The perfect heart and belly-warming breakfast for Fall. Creamy pumpkin spice oatmeal is topped with crunchy honey sweetened mixed nuts — I promise this will make your taste buds dance and your… Read More


Strawberry Pluot Oatmeal

By On April 6, 2016

I eat a lot of oatmeal. I wish you would too. Not only is it absolutely delicious, but it can help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugars so you avoid that mid-morning crash,… Read More


No Bake Granola Bars: Better Than Store Bought Bars

By On March 7, 2016

Did you know that peanut butter mixed with maple syrup is a nutritional synergistic superfood? Just kidding 🙂 But wouldn’t that be something? I CAN tell you however, that the two pair… Read More


The New Way to Top Your Waffles

By On September 24, 2015

Avocado?? (Enter cringed and slightly disgusted face) Yeah baby! But you MUST include the sea salt. Eating avocado without salt should be a crime, and I’m convinced that people who don’t like avocado, have… Read More


Wholesome Oatmeal Pancakes + Maple Peanut Butter Spread

By On July 31, 2015

{scroll through me!} These dense and hearty pancakes are full of oats, spelt flour, flax and sunflower seeds. Hello fiber! Instead of syrup, I used melted peanut butter mixed with maple syrup to… Read More