Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

By September 21, 2013 Recipe Box, Sweets & Treats

Peanut butter and chocolate anyone?

This no-cook dessert will satisfy your sweet tooth in healthier way. It’s like eating a Reese’s Cup without all the added preservatives. Because I didn’t use any saturated oils, these PB cups hold together better if kept frozen. Plus, it’s a nice little treat to end the hot summer just right.


Frozen Peanut Butter Cups

Makes ~8

1/2 can unsweetened coconut milk

5 TBS maple syrup

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

4 TBS peanut butter

Dash of salt

Cupcake tin with tin liners

– Blend together coconut milk, maple syrup, salt and cocoa powder until well incorporated. 

– Pour about 2-3 tsp of chocolate mix into the bottoms of 8 tin wells. You just need enough to form the base of the peanut butter cup.

-Freeze for about 15 minutes. Remove from freezer and add 1/2 TBS peanut butter atop each chocolate base. If the peanut butter is too thick to work with, you could heat some in the microwave for about 10 secs, just enough to make it more pliable. 

– Pour the remaining chocolate mix on top of the peanut butter to completely cover. Freeze again.

– They should be ready in 20 minutes. Keep in freezer until ready to eat!

Nutrition per 1 PB Cup:

Calories: 111 Total Fat: 5g Carbohydrates: 17g Fiber: 2g Protein: 3g


Check out some other no-cook desserts from the creative members of The Recipe Redux!


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  • Reply December 2, 2017 at 1:53 am


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