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olive oil

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Diabetic Friendly

Kombucha Vinaigrette

By On May 22, 2014

  When this months Recipe Redux topic was released (cooking with tea), I pondered all the wonderful tea-infused cupcakes I’ve tasted and contemplated recreating some of my own. But to be honest,… Read More


Crock Pot Olive Oil Herb Bread

By On October 22, 2013

You can bake bread in a crock pot?! You betchya. Little did I know (until this month’s Recipe Redux theme was announced), that crock pot of yours can make all sorts of… Read More


Tomato Tart

By On September 8, 2013

A few days ago I shared a Tomato Tart recipe on Google+. It was featured on Healthy Aperture’s recipe of the day and was originally posted by Craving Something Healthy, a fun… Read More

Lunch and Dinner

Black Bean Tempeh Bowls with Sauteed Greens & Seared Tomatoes

By On July 8, 2013

I love tempeh and I’m always looking for great ways to use it. Tempeh is simply fermented soy beans. It is high in biologically available protein and is a great source of… Read More

Lunch and Dinner

Tempeh & Black Bean Stuffed Peppers

By On June 11, 2013

Stuffed peppers were a common meal throughout my childhood. My mom used to stuff green peppers with ground beef, onion, garlic, spices and probably some other ingredients I am leaving out (Mom,… Read More

Recipe Box


By On June 3, 2013

Here is a great sauce I picked up from my South American travels. Chimmichurri is a blend of parsley,  olive oil, garlic, lime juice, salt and aji (a type of super spicy pepper),… Read More

Lunch and Dinner

Coconut Risotto Cabbage Wraps

By On February 25, 2013

 On the first day at our new WWOOFing home I had to raid the kitchen to see what was there. Its quite a busy kitchen, with lots of things everywhere. I like… Read More

Lunch and Dinner

Poor Man’s Delicious Lentils, Veggies and Plantains

By On February 21, 2013

We made lunch at home to save a little money. Produce is very cheap here and there is no option for conventionally grown vs organically grown. Why? Because most of it is not… Read More

Lunch and Dinner

Not Your Momma’s Tuna Salad Sandwich

By On February 9, 2013

Canned tuna doused in mayo is so 1950’s. Don’t get me wrong, I like a little mayo with my tuna every now and then, but too much of a good thing ends… Read More

Recipe Box

Asparagus and Swiss Chard Orzo

By On January 21, 2013

Right now I’m visiting Canada with my boyfriend and his family. And I’m loving every minute of it. Well, with the exception of the couple seconds spent smacking my head on the… Read More